Sunday, January 16, 2011


"What's this," I'm thinking as I rounded the corner and spotted a paws-up creature, "An armadillo playing possum?"  It was too far from the road to have been hit by a car and no cliffs near by to fall from.  I guess it's just another of life's mysteries to add to an already long list.

From Sanderston, TX to Marathon, TX isn't but 50 miles along highway 90.  We added a few miles by going north to the bustling metropolis of Fort Stockton for supplies, riding over a 4,800 foot range of mountains. Were plunked down here for a couple of days.  Nights are cold in this second highest town in Texas, 4,100 foot, but by noon the mercury has been reaching the high 60's.  The absolute quiet is sliced only by frequent wailing of train whistles, which to me delivers a pleasant return to my youth, hopping freights and living the life of a quasi-hobo.

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