Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Jeff Boyd says, "I was born and raised around these parts, worked the oil fields for 30 years, came home and bought this old store and a couple of rentals."  I asked if he was breaking even and he replied with a smile and "Doin' OK and as soon as the paper shuffle with the Texas bureaucrats is complete I'll be opening a liquor store down at the end of town...Some folks like a bottle now and then ya know."

Jeff buys his meat "on-the-hook" and offers custom cuts from range Angus.  Jackie swears it's the best tasting rib eye she's ever had.

The Sanderson Store that sat idle for many years is now alive and well.

Here's a few properties along Main Street that you might be interested in.  Prices are right and it's only a matter of time before this is once again a bustling community.
Paintings complete, just need a couple of windows here.

Aurora's Market is closed but large enough to make a fine dance hall.

I see the potential for a theater and hotel here.

Every town needs a well stocked hardware store.

Western ware boutique?

Perfect antique shop.

Your own real estate office.

Restaurant and Friday night Texas style ribs

Rent this out to visiting dignitaries.

Handy mans fixer-upper

Off Road Vehicle (ORV) rental and gun shop.

Fire Department is on the ready!

Move that big propane tank and you're almost ready to begin pumping gas.

Water supply is good here but someone needs to give a little drink to the Prickly Pear.

Sorry, this one is taken.  Jackie got here first.

How about your very own saloon.  A hitching post would add a nice touch, don't ya think?

This place is almost in turn-key condition.


Anonymous said...

Sanderson is one of my favorite places on earth. There is a kind of quiet there that lets me listen to my soul. I have not found that in but a very few places. My Daddy took me there when I was very young. Then a few years ago I particepated in BBORR race event and stayed in an old trailer park turned RV ran by an older women who grew native Texas plants for universities in Texas. It was fantastic, I will never forget it.

Richard Boyd said...

The only downside to Sanderson is the cold nights. Other than that I too would have no porblem calling this out of the way beauty, "Home."