Saturday, December 17, 2011


With 60 miles of walking trails that wind along a deep-gorge dry wash and follow the very tops of the mountains that circle the park, this is a hikers paradise.

A type of Agave "Century Plant"  I'm not sure which one this is so if anyone knows, give me a shout.

Cumulus clouds lit by the sunrise.

Cactus Wren

Another Pyrrhuloxia (Desert Cardinal)

This is wonderful but lightly used park, at least this time of year.  The evening temps average in the mid-thirties, a little cool for tent camping,  One section, out of a total of 50 well dispersed sites,  is 5 spaces devoted to dry camping only, RV's only. 

We have but one neighbor....and wouldn't you know it, they shattered the quiet solitude of this lovely, secluded mountain cove by letting their generator run ALL NIGHT LONG.  Maybe this is a little taste of Karma for me.  I can just imagine all the times I've been ignorant of my surroundings and made life less than pleasant for those around me.  My dad used to say, "Too soon old and too late smart."

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