Wednesday, December 7, 2011


When last here in Sanderson, TX, a year ago, Jackie counted 26 freight trains pass by in one 24 hour period.  During it's heyday, Sanderson boasted 13 train tracks, a roundhouse and employed hundreds of workers.  This year a mere half dozen trains rumbled by on two tracks and two employees, another sure sign of our sagging economy.  Likewise, the sheep industry, the largest in the US, Sanderson's claim to fame that kept the town healthy is now virtually non-existent. 

Atop the western canyon wall of Sanderson looking down on a town of almost a 1000 population has shrunk by 2/3rds in the last 50 years.

                                    In-residence artist displaying his creation.

                Ya gotta admit, Sanderson does have one fine looking garbage truck.

Church of Christ

First Baptist Church
As a kid I was always being reminded, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."

Four days in Sanderson, waiting out the cold-snap, is enough.  Time to do something, even if it's wrong.  Marathon to the west looks as good as any a destination.

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