Thursday, December 16, 2010


Huge military jets scream and scorch the air while leaving the runway and returning to the Naval Air Station located just a couple of miles from here.  I know I should feel protected by all this noise and bluster...and I do, very much so.  I'm also wondering to what extent and for how long, we as a nation, will be able to afford this posture.  President Eisenhower said, "Beware the military- industrial complex."

The temperature rose to 75 degrees, warming our spirits and shouting "Get on your bikes!"  We rode the perimeter of Key West, stopping to people-watch on the famous Duvall (aka, Drink to you drop) Street and take in the obligatory sights....Hemingway's house, The Kapok Tree and Sloppy Joe's Saloon.  The 15 mile ride in T-shirt and shorts felt REAL good.

Goodnight and goodbye you island of fun and sun, though I doubt we'll be back this way again.  Not that you aren't beautiful, it's just that you have way too many people enjoying you at the same time....too crowded, too hurried, too jets-in-the-sky noisy, $6 bucks for a two ounce margarita and $120 a night camping!! Jimmy Buffett with his millions won't complain, but I will, with a smile.  "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt," time to move on.

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