Friday, December 9, 2011


Mr Ellis, a tall strapping man of almost 80 years with hands that would wrap around a football, twice.  He hails from the southern Appalachian Mountains and is deep south schooled.  James leans forward in my direction, to assist his hearing aids, and asks, "What cha'll say?"  I repeat my question, close to shouting, "What you going to do with that plastic stick?"  "Why I bought this hyarn thang at Walmart yars ago and I wouldn't trade'er  fer a golden nigger," He tells me in his deep Appalachian drawl.   Why you'en just clip the water hose to it and jam'er in the toilet.  Gar-roon-teed, it'll clean out your'n pipes better'n a pound of black powder."  I think what he thought was a plugged up toilet in his trailer was no more than ice crystals in the pipe from yesterdays 26F degrees.  Either/or, stuff or ice,  James's magic wand did the trick.

A steady supply of fresh water assures numerous birds here at the park.
Lark Bunting in flight.

Desert Cardnal or Pyrrhuloxia ~ pronounced "perloxia"

White Crowned Sparrow in flight.

White Crowned Sparrow

Immature White Crowned Sparrow before its crown.

Female Lark Bunting

Packing up and heading south into Big Bend country this morning.  Hoping Jackie wakes feeling better.  She must have caught the cold I had last week.

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