Tuesday, December 20, 2011


City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico
33 million years in the making and I stop by for 48 hours, take the bike for a spin around the one square mile park and click a couple of pictures. I’m feeling real small in the big scheme of things. But unlike the rocks, I’m not immortal and need to move on.

Native Americans have a belief that Rocks (Fossilites) have more wisdom than other living things; Trees (Standing people), Two legeds (People) and Birds (Wingeds).

You always wondered where rocks came from….Well here it is, proof positive that rocks beget rocks. Looks to me like mama and daddy are having twins.

Defenseless picnic table destroyed by some idiot….Someone get a club and clean up the gene pool.

Scrub Oak framed with moss blanked rocks.

High, cold, cloudy and windy. Glad I brought my long johns.

       A few rock forms that aren’t rounded.
Time to move on from this magical world of Fossilites. Not that it isn’t wonderful here, but it’s just way too cold. 


Anonymous said...


Richard Boyd said...

Thanks, I keep trying...Though I wish it were as warm here as it is where you are. Meet you in Tucson?