Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Still lousy computer connection in Laughlin, NV....No pictures today.

Turning right while leaving the campground yesterday the slide-out on our camper involuntarily slid out, (while we were moving) thankfully our speed was no more than 10 miles an hour.

A “slide-out” is a floor to ceiling, 12 ft. long box attached to the rig that is used to increase living space, while the rig is parked. We had been having problems with it’s performance, or lack there-of, and were wondering when, not if, it was going to totally quit working.

Luckily we were in a place (Laughlin, NV) one could call “a camper Mecca.” Thousands of other RV’s are within a 15 mile radius, all escaping the snow and cold of the north, which in-turn attracts RV repair folks.

Pulling the rig to the side of the road and ”arm-stringing” the slide back into place, we switched to plan-B and went right back to our camping spot of the previous day. Jackie remembered a bunch of literature in the office that advertised camper repairs and she was able to find one that was already on-site.

The fixer-up’ers brought their tools and knowledge of all-things-campers and wrenched the slide back to better than factory specks….Slide motor bolts dangling, almost falling out and two bolt/pins completely sheared-off.

After another night in the same park, now  it’s back to yesterday’s plan-A.

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