Sunday, November 27, 2011


Another day at Possum Kingdom State Park, Caddo, TX.  Hopefully the winds will let off and we'll be able to take a serious bike ride.

After Jackie and I had both drank the water I called up to the registration office and asked them about the warning on the water spigot. “Oh,” The official voice on the other end of the line says, “You got the trots?” “No Hershey squirts here, thank you,” I offered, “Just wondered what kind of unfriendly bugs are swimming in your water” “Ain’t no bugs in our water, it’s salt that closed us down. Didn’t fit the TCEQ‘s, (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) guidelines. Just too much salt.” I erased the notion that we might have to be airlifted to the nearest hospital, have our stomachs pumped and injected with intravenous antibiotics.

Sure sign of White Tailed Deer.

The winds blew hard all day, dropping the temps into the low 50's and rocking the rig during the particularly strong gusts.  Cold air is blowing inside under our slide-out so I guess we'll need to fabricate some sort of snap-on cover to save our toes from frostbite on the upcoming cold desert nights.

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