Thursday, April 11, 2013


Spring often brings the unexpected weather pattern and this year was no exception.  In Springerville, NM we awoke to find a lovely blanket of snow spread across the 7,000 Ft. elevation.

Oh the incongruity of it all. No bike riding today.

Snow, seeing the bright side, can be beautiful in the mountains.

This Ferruginous Hawk (a new lifer for me) didn't seem to mind the snow.  Might have even made finding his breakfast a little easier.

Whoever the revved-up cowboys or cowgirls were that shot up this sign need to have their guns taken away.  "STUPID IS WHAT STUPID DOES."  

Salt deposits of Laguna Del Perro along Hwy 60 New Mexico.

A little south of Magdalina, NM, out by the fairgrounds, sitting in the sun for the past 20 years, we found this amazing 90' installation of recycled mixed media by Holly Hughes. The town touts not the forgotten art. Holly has moved on to greener pastures.  Where?  Maybe she'll see this and give me a shout.

The endless barren stretches of Highway 60, once a major east-west corridor connects a few hardscrabble towns lain near ruin by dust, time, railroad consolidation and Interstate 40.

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