Friday, March 1, 2013

The Sequestration Is Here ~~ Now What?

Well Damn if I know what's going to happen now that the dreaded Sequestration has arrived, but I do believe the whole thing was orchestrated as planned.  I do know we as a nation spent too much $ in previous years on silver toilet seats and golden hammers, the rich got richer at the peril of the poor and now it's time to pay the fiddler, unfortunately it looks like the working Joe is the one that has to pony-up.  I wish I were more optimistic, but  try as I may, I'm just not seeing anything good on the horizon.  So, while the lights are still on, I'll continue to tap-the-keys and send along a couple of pictures and comments from my little corner of the world.

Woman asking for help to get her rattletrap rig on down the road a few more miles.
It ain't pretty but it's all that's keeping her out of the sun and rain.

Here in the Mojave Valley the Brittlebush is abundant. If it were editable, there would be fewer hungry people.

On the Colorado River, Laughlin, NV.   Bufflehead Duck

Another duck here in Laughlin is the Redhead.  Aptly named, eh?

Across the road from the AVI Casino the Northern Rough-Winged Swallow stares me down.

On the Willow Springs Golf Course this Vermillion Flycatcher stopped long enough to give me one shot. 

Photo lifer-list of birds to date 124.  

Trusting the Sequester isn't as calamitous, with it's meat cleaver approach, to the poor and blue collar as I suppose it will be.  Or....maybe all those people we've elected to do the job of straightening-out our countries fiscal problems really do have a plan.... Good Luck!

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