Monday, January 7, 2013


Behind Squaw mountain the lingering sun ignites and warms with it's horizontal golden light the western slope of jasper and agate.  These rock nuggets have been nursing and storing heat and will  warm the little creatures that live within the weathered clefts well into the night.  Shaded by this mountain with the afternoon breeze brushing against my skin, I become chilled through in minutes.  January’s waning moon is rising in the eastern sky and since I’m the known fire-starter of  creatures large and small, hereabouts, will be warmed not with sun drenched rocks but by campfire.

Tough work here in the desert bringing in the firewood.

Regeneration of the desert grasshopper.  I think these are the pallidwinged variety.


Side-blotched (or Blue Backed) Lizard, seemingly the most common.  Approx. 8 in. long.

             Painted Lady Butterfly.  The only butterfly seen around here~~by me anyway, the others, if any, are illusive.

We’ve made friends here with two ladies, Parnel and Maddi, Jim (camera shy) and six dogs.  Four campers, including ours, in a compound of four-hundred sq yards, a sort of mobile suburb of Earp, CA

Time was marked here for the better part of two weeks and now it’s time to sip reality and travel north to the big city of Lake Havasu, AZ and the friendly Walgreens Drug Store.  Better living through chemistry, eh?

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Looks like you guys are having fun.