Sunday, December 16, 2012


Highway 90 begins on the Eastern Coast of Florida and abruptly ends in Western Texas when it dumps the traveler onto Interstate-10 at Van Horn.   For me, the best part of 90 is between Del Rio and Van Horn.  There are 8 towns along this 304 mile stretch that runs just north of the Mex/US border but only two seem to be rising from the Interstate bypass ashes, Alpine and Marfa.

It's just plain mind-numbing driving now on the Interstate, set the speed control, munch pretzles and eat up the miles of I-10 until it's time to slip onto the blue roads again.  El Paso and Las Cruces are the worst part of the drive across this section of the Interstate...Pay attention or become a statistic.

One can now travel east to west or north to south along the mindless ribbons of Interstates and never taste a local flavor.

At least rest stops afford some diversion and an occasional photo-op.

 Red Tailed hawks either courting or settling a territorial dispute...Maybe both.

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