Tuesday, December 31, 2013


UPDATE:  We have a new A/C on the rig....Waiting for Walmart to stand good on their promise of reimbursement.

A man of all seasons or a man that makes his own.  "I’m anti social!  The government wanted me to die for their beliefs."

Spike, a man for all seasons, an avid reader of philosophy with the mental agility of a bounding Gazelle and a horticulturist that grows his own.   “My pick-up is my home and tent my castle.  At 71 years I'm proud to be a minimalist and anti social.    He brings to mind a line from the song, "Me and Bobby McGee" by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster , “Freedom’s just another word for nothin left to lose.”

He quotes Bertrand Russell, “I would not die for my beliefs, I might be wrong.”  I agree with Lord Russell *and* I would not die for your beliefs because I know you are dysfunctional, in denial, and wrong………"

                                                 Writing a Haiku for the occasion.  
                                                                    Cultural Heritage
                                                                    Primal metaphors
                                                                 Dysfunction wed with denial
                                                                   Fearsome fantasies

Two new outfits on the Earp Flats equipped to communicate with the rest of the world via ham radio.
When the lights go out from grid failure we'll be asking these fellows for help.

                                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


An oil change, repair spare tire and check air pressure in the outer right rear dully was what we asked for.  What we got was our Christmas present from Walmart.

My internet buddy Andy  http://www.myoldrv.com/?p=1679  refers to what I call "half assed" as 80% ers.  An Andy'ism, "One of the problems with this country is lowered expectations. I deal with it everyday with employees and vendors. 80% effort seems to be enough to get by — and they always have a most excellent excuse."  I totally agree.

The bright bulb that drove the rig out of the bay "just assumed" the door was all the way up.  Let me tell you an exploding air conditioner shroud makes a BIG noise.  Of course he was sorry, after-all he'll no doubt be in an unemployment line next week. 

Co-manager arrives, fills out half of an accident form, leaves and returns with Big Cheese manager to sooth the customers feathers.  Quote manager, "We give the claim to our insurance company and it's out of our hands."  WHAT?  The manager doesn't know her employer  Walmart doesn't have an insurance company, they are self insured.  I stayed gentle, almost calm, keeping Big Cheese on track for reimbursement of a new unit and making sure they knew these old folks would hang to this like a dog does a meaty bone. She ceased her gooey cooing after my first bark and settled down to brass tacks..

Tire pressures on checkout bill read 35 PSI.  I found the guy that entered the bogus readings (should have read 80 PSI.) and requested he bring his hose back out and *do it again.*  Not even close to 80% on this one, Andy. Get this, the same guy that clipped the AC told me, "Just because the tire manufacture says 80 PSI doesn't mean you should fill it full"  After I almost yelled, "WHAT," he backed down and continued up another alley, "Must be this damn air pressure gauge is reading wrong, I'll tell the guys so no one else has a problem."  I suggested he use that little thing in his shirt pocket called a tire pressure gauge. "Oh no, 80 pounds would blow it right up, it only goes to 75."   I give, shake my head and walk around the rig "sounding" the tires with a rubber mallet.

Icing on the cake:  The crew fixed the spare but forgot to put it back in the bay.  Darn good thing Jackie asked if they fixed it when we were no more than a block from the shop.

Store manager, co-manager and automotive bay workers.
Adios and Caveat Emptor

We found a mobile repair guy Parker, AZ that will replace the AC but WOULD NOT agree to have anything to do with Walmart. He said, "It took me 7 months and $175 worth of attorney's fees to get   paid on my last go-round with Walmart.  So, it's cash on the barrel-head at completion (This Tuesday, with luck.) and we'll be the ones duking it out with Wallyworld.

Monday, December 16, 2013


I very much doubt the restaurant's cuisine had anything to do with Santa's zonked condition across the street from the restaurant.  We ate there, fried okra, gumbo with a side of battered catfish and lived to give it GREAT reviews.  I think it was the heat that done-in the old guy.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


When we leave Northern Michigan each year our direction is determined by weather.  Too much snow or ice in one part of the country, we go the other way.  This year, the year of "Dion the Storm" we had little choice but to just roll south and duke it out with one of the worst, back to back, weather fronts in many years.

Finally, after four days we've left the storms behind and somehow landed in Vicksburg, MS again this year. It's still cold here by southern standards but a far cry from the northern norm.

One hundred and fifty years have passed  since May 1863. Motels and fast food joints abound, or litter, depending on your perspective, the area of encampment and battle that so profoundly change the course of the War Between the States.

                                    MEMORIALS FROM THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG.