Sunday, November 25, 2012


Not that it wasn't wonderful being with family this Thanksgiving but it sure was different.  Different from day's of yesteryear when a beautifully browned turkey was placed in the center of the table, steam rose from at least a half dozen bowls of vegetables and stuffing, a boat of gravy to drown the mashed potatoes at the ready, tart cranberry sauce to be avoided and dad making a big deal of sharpening the carving knife and then layering off huge slices of breast.  But this is 2012 and just getting a geographically-scattered family together is difficult, let along making it anything akin to a Norman Rockwell setting.

What I felt most different was the time almost everyone took to be with themselves...well not exactly alone but with their electronic know, those texting, smartphone things.  OK, I plead guilty, I was not one of the exceptions.  Of everyone there, I suppose only two didn't have their eyes plugged into a keep-in-touch-now thing and that was because they had perfectly good telephones, plugged into the wall, at home.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have traded the day for the world, the spread of food was beyond excellent, being with relatives absent for years gave an emotional high, it was just a little different.  

 Device--Even a laptop at the ready for between turns.
 Brains of the outfit. Don't let the pic fool ya, this is one gorgeous lady.
 No need for those smart phone things here.
 Last minute adjustments by the man behind the brains.
 Halftime snooze.
 Miles of beautiful smiles.
 Fueling up. 
 Born on Thanksgiving.
 Electronic Monopoly.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Closing down two houses for their 6 month winter nap is a little more than trying but well worth the effort.  Leaving before the snowplow needs to be called or the snow blower fired-up is relief in itself.

Jackie’s house, now sold, is given the last goodbye for the winter snowbird sojourn.

Our rig, (Enter the RV naming contest) loaded and ready to follow the birds south.

We made it to Manistique, MI where Max the Moose greeted us in front of the Comfort Inn.  

Across highway US2 in Manistique, the East Breakwater lighthouse, built in 1916, warns ships sailing Lake Michigan of the rocky shore.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Pretty picture of my driveway but surrounding those snowflakes is bone chilling cold and I no longer do well with temperatures below 50F. 

Years past, when I first came to the north, I absolutely loved the cold.  Walking in the woods with temperatures 20 to 30 below zero and being startled in the absolute frozen silence by old maple trees splitting making the sounds as loud as rifle shots is so fixed in my mind that I can hear them when I close my eyes and travel back to that time. 

Today is the last day here in Little Finland until spring.  Like Willy Nelson’s song, “On The Road Again,” I’m out of here and headed south to fairer climes and new, yet unknown, friends.